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Use AI to instantly generate realistic and professional product backgrounds with just one click. It also allows you to combine multiple products to create composite product photos and generate background images in a similar style by using reference images.
No need for models to take photos of each product anymore. Just upload your model image, and AI will automatically create a custom model template. It's simple and efficient, allowing you to easily generate exclusive brand product images.
Start CreatingNo need for models to take photos of each product anymore. Just upload your model image, and AI will automatically create a custom model template. It's simple and efficient, allowing you to easily generate exclusive brand product images.
Start CreatingSimply upload a flat image of the clothing, and generate realistic effects of the outfit on any model with just one click. It adapts to different body shapes and poses, accurately showcasing various styles, including tops, pants, and dresses. You can choose different poses from a diverse model library or upload any model to achieve your desired look.
Generate Model Photos In Different Poses
Use AI to generate model images in various poses while maintaining the same model and scene, achieving a realistic and natural look with just one click.
Transform static product photos into vibrant, dynamic videos to comprehensively showcase product details and enhance consumer purchase intent.
Coming Soon
I've found that Pixmaker is not only super efficient but also maintains quality—it's kind of scary how good it is. With just one click, it can quickly generate a bunch of product and model images, cutting way down on the time we'd otherwise spend waiting for designers. The cost of the images is also well under control. The details and colors are handled brilliantly, making my products look way more appealing.
Pixmaker lets us quickly adjust images to fit different markets and customer groups. Whether it's snazzy model shots or more professional product displays, it's a piece of cake to get them just right, making our service super personalized. The efficiency of Pixmaker means I don't have to wait around for long photo shoots and post-production; it keeps our website feeling fresh, which is crucial for drawing in both returning and new customers.
Pixmaker can actually generate a variety of poses for a single model! In the past, we had to shoot a model in different poses and then pick the suitable ones, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive. Now, all I have to do is upload a picture of the model, and the AI will generate images of them in all sorts of poses, from elegant to energetic. It's got everything we need!